Recovery Fund Follow-Up: Thank you!
This past week during which I ran my Art Supply Recovery Fund was more uplifting than I could have anticipated, and I simply want to thank each and every one of you who support my work.
I opened the event on Tuesday with print and playmat sale on the website, as well as an all-day marathon stream where I finished up several mini originals that had been in progress for a while. At the end of the stream, not only did all four small originals sell, but when we went to choose some items from the Amazon wishlist of the items stolen, most of them had already been purchased! I was blown away to the point of feeling a bit perplexed, and while the latter feeling has changed into appreciation, the former feeling remains.
Not only were all of the supplies replaced by your generosity, but the outpouring of help in getting this portion of my art-making tools back in my hands has given me encouragement that my work is starting to gain traction and really reach people.
To know that my work has meaning to others is the greatest thing I could hope to accomplish, and I don't know how else to repay everyone's generosity except to go forth and make even more artwork in an ever-truer voice. But I'd also love to thank you personally if possible, and if you aren't trying to remain anonymous! Feel free to drop a message in the comments if you'd like me to send you a picture of art that I create with your donation in the future.
Thank you again, whether you contributed, shared, or just lurk and enjoy. I'm glad to have you all along for the ride.